Jakob Westberg, "Dummy nr. 22", 2020.Textiles, glue, acrylics, plaster, epoxy, glassfiber, wood, metal rods spraypaint, 230 x 114 x 41 cm
Jakob Westberg, "Dummy nr.13 (z)", 2020. Plaster, concrete, textiles, acrylics, pigments, 188 x 67 x 58 cm plaster, concrete, textiles, acrylics, pigments, glue,glitter,epoxy, jute, glassfiber
Jakob Westberg, "Dummy nr.14 (x) ", 2019. Plaster, concrete, acrystal, textiles, pigments, asphalt, acrylics, epoxy, oakwood, 187 x 89 x 27,5 cm
Jakob Westberg, "Dummy nr.16 (Contour swirl nr.2") 2019. Plaster, epoxy, glassfiber, oakwood 230 x 79 x 94 cm
Jakob Westberg, "Dummy nr.17", 2020. Plaster, concrete, wood, textiles, acrylics, spraypaint, cardboard, enamel paint, epoxy, oakwodd 202 x 74 x 62 cm
Jakob Westberg, "Dummy nr.23", 2021. Wood, plaster, iron rods, textiles, acrylics, spraypaint, pigments, epoxy oakwood 235 x 84 x 51 cm
Jakob Westberg, "Slh_671px-Human_drol-a-poep_flesh12294, 2016. " Digital print on vinyl 640 x 302 cm
Jakob Westberg, "Sweet me", 2016. Pralines with content of the artists own feat, concrete form tube, porcelain,wood,brass,mdf, industrial filler + paint. 120 x 20 x 20 cm
Jakob Westberg, "Sweet me", 2016. Pralines with content of the artists own fat, plexiglass, concrete form tube, porcelain ,wood, brass, mdf, industrial filler + paint. 120 x 20 x20 cm
Jakob Westberg, "Sweet me", 2016. Pralines with content of the artists own fat, plexiglass, concrete form tube, porcelain ,wood, brass, mdf, industrial filler + paint. 120 x 20 x20 cm